The Flying Squirrels

Providing youth with opportunities to experience aviation and explore aviation careers.

Poker Run donations click HERE

EAA Chapter 235 annual Poker Run May 18th, 2024 CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

2024 Summer Flight Training Details

The Flying Squirrels began in 1965 as an Explorer Post under the Boy Scouts of America.

Today, the Flying Squirrels are sponsored by the Flight Training Centers at Kokomo and Sheridan airports, and EAA Chapter 235. We are dedicated to the promotion of aviation by providing an economical means for youth to learn to fly.

Membership is open to youth ages 14 to 18 years.

During the school year, we meet at 6:00 PM for ground school and 7:00 PM for chapter meeting on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Glenndale Airport, 3460 S 400 W; Kokomo, IN 46902. Activities include: ground instruction, guest speakers, presentations on aviation careers and food.

During the summer, we offer a 5 week flight school program that meets on consecutive Tuesdays mid June through July. Meetings begin with ground school at 9:00 am. Weather permitting, flight instruction follows from around 10:30 AM through 3:00 PM. A cookout style lunch is provided. If flight instruction is canceled due to weather, we use the rest of the week to schedule makeup sessions. Students receive 8 hours of ground instruction and 5 hours of flight instruction in various aircraft. The Squirrels provide volunteer help at air shows, the Poker Run, and cleaning airplanes.

Students can continue their instruction through the Flight Training Centers and can receive discounted membership, instruction, and aircraft fees.

For more information, contact: 765-319-3295